A Spectrum of Hyperfixations
We all have things we are obsessed with, and I have taken to the mic to share about mine! From mental health matters to fandom, the spectrum of hyperfixations can be random and unrelated because you never know what may grab your attention and refuse to let go.
Being autistic, a hyperfixation for me can last for months or just a few days. But it's not just about me. I'll be having guests on periodically to "geek out" over what their hyperfixation is so we can celebrate and embrace the things we are passionate about in the absence of judgement. You just may learn something new along the way too!
A Spectrum of Hyperfixations
Smart Child Paved the Way for Chat GPT
On today's episode: from Chat GPT to chat rooms on the original AOL, I showcase how a simple thought can spiral into hyperfixating! I also talk about self-care with the Finch Self-Care Pet app and "A Hug in a Box" pampering, the latter which has me wondering if you too ever sit something away on a shelf with the intent of using it at "the perfect moment," but then months go by and you still haven't used it?
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Hello and welcome to a new episode of A Spectrum of Hyperfixations. I am your host, miss T. Today, the T stands for tenacious comes to mind because I've been getting some work done today, I've been making some connections. Today it feels good and they always say you know, it's who you know. So I went in for an interview I think it was last week, no, it was the week of Christmas, so it's been a while Went in for an interview at an employment staffing company and hit it off real well with the recruiter there.
Speaker 1:And today she mentioned a couple of different places like nonprofits in the community and thinks that they would be really good like personal cup fillers with aligning with my coaching, and one of them is called the Pando Initiative, where they put somebody in a school, kind of like a mentor or counselor for kids, and I thought that would be really cool. So she gave me the contact info of somebody and now I reached out and we're going to hopefully meet up next week so I can talk to her about what she does and how maybe I will be able to apply for a position if it comes open in the future. So, yeah, making moves and, you know, tapping into that identity of being a coach, being a successful coach and getting things done. So it feels good to tap in that sort of confidence because otherwise, you know, usually I would just be like, oh gosh, well, we got to set this aside. We got to think about it for days, we got to come up with the perfect outreach email verbiage you know all the things and it's like no, just do it right now and check it off your list.
Speaker 1:Which, speaking of lists, I guess this can be a cheer for the week is the Finch self-care app. If you haven't heard of this, it is freaking adorable. And I didn't realize how much I'm motivated when there is this sense of disappointing someone or, in this case, something. And that's my little burb, and they call it a burb, but not a bird, and it's so cute. And I recognize you know that my need to be motivated by the fear of disappointing somebody is absolutely like a trauma response and everything. And that's okay, I'm going to use it to my advantage and actually get stuff done.
Speaker 1:I have been so motivated these last couple of days since I downloaded the app. It's unreal and it just feels so good to check it off my list. I uh my sister had it and showed me it while she was down here at Christmas time, and so I finally was like you know what, I'll give it a try. And I became instantly obsessed and texted another friend about it. They downloaded it and we're all getting stuff done, but it feels really good and so I highly recommend it if you like video games, because there's a you know kind of like instant gratification of you know you get coins and then you can buy things um like, and it doesn't, it's totally free. You can opt for a you know a purchase plan or whatever, but I went with the free version. It's, it's great and, um like video games or cute little animals Like it's totally for you.
Speaker 1:I'm curious if you can hear Hershey wailing in the background because she just decided to start meowing her head off. I should actually check and see if there's. If it started snowing, it's supposed to start snowing again today. So we're just again cooped up in the house. That's not a jeer, though I don't really have any jeers right now. Yeah, things are pretty good right now, though I will kind of pivot here and talk about I'm going to see.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm having a brain fart because there are two things I want to talk about today. So the first one is my friend for Christmas sent me a hug in a box and it's really cute. It comes with like a bunch of little fun pampering items like under eye masks, body butter and really nice lather soap like bar soap, a small candle, a bath bomb and facial serum and a clay mask and it smells so good. Like the moment I opened the box, I was hit with like this heavenly scent. It's so good and it's just been sitting here and I'm like, yeah, I'll get to it. I really want to do it, because you know it's like a spa day for yourself. You know, pamper yourself, sort of thing. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll, I gotta wait, I gotta wait for the right time, I gotta wait for the perfect moment.
Speaker 1:And the other day I was like I need to just like dig into this and figure out how to use these and just start using them. And that's something I want to remind you is you wait for the perfect time or the perfect moment? It's never going to happen. You have to create that perfect moment for yourself. Does anybody else do this, where you get something nice and you're like you put it on the shelf and you think, okay, I'm going to come back to this at the right moment, the right time, whatever that is. And then it just sits there for months and you never get to use the thing or enjoy the thing or do the thing, because it never is the right time, it never fits in the schedule, it never fill in the blank.
Speaker 1:And so last night I took the box, open it up, I wrote I literally wrote down instructions for when and how to use, like the clay mask and the facial serum, because it's like, okay, do I use this one before I cleanse my face? Do I use this one for how long? How many drops of this? And that, like I need clear construction that way, make it as simple as possible to use these things, put them out in the bathroom so that they are ready to go, not just hanging out in the box anymore. And we're just going to create these opportunities. So that's something I just wanted to touch on and see if anybody else does that where you yeah, you put something away, you wait for the time and then the time never comes. So less than one of the day make that time. So today's episode is just all loopholes, apparently.
Speaker 1:But here is a look into sort of how my brain works and how I become hyper fixated on things. So the other night I was thinking about oh gosh, I can't remember Now, I can't even remember how I got onto this thought, but it was thinking about chat GPT and asking chat to BT to do something. And then that got me thinking of oh wow, like I remember when this was becoming such a big deal it really wasn't that long ago when we started hearing stories of chat GPT is here and this is all that it can do, and now it's becoming a problem because, like, and all these stories are happening and the life, like, there was a time when chat GPT was not talked about or anything like that, and it's just been very recent. And then I was like, oh yeah, it's kind of like back in the day when I don't know if any of you remember of the dial-up days with AOLcom and AOL Instant Messenger. But there there was a user I guess I don't know what else to call them, but our cousins introduced us to this. It was called Smart Child and if you message Smart Child, it was an AI who would be able to like respond to you. And yeah, it was ChatGPT before Chat chat GPT, but it was very basic and minimal.
Speaker 1:So then thinking of smart child got me reminiscing then about the good old days with dial up and how, whenever I'd have sleepovers, either at my friend's house or my house, we would always hop online after the parents went to bed, you know, because you were going to tie up the phone line if you did and we were also doing things we shouldn't be doing as kids. So we waited until they went to bed, got online and they were entering the AOL chat rooms. Do you guys remember these AOL chat rooms? It was like the freaking Wild West back then, my goodness, like what a time. And at this point we're in fourth grade, fourth fifth grade, when all this was coming out and I remember all this again. See, deep dive into my brain. All this was leading to a memory of being at a friend's house and we would play Super Smash Brothers on the N64 for hours.
Speaker 1:And then we got on her dad's laptop, went to an AOL chat room, you break out into the instant messenger with somebody that you like, hit off in the chat room with and of course you know they're asking asl, age, sex, uh, location always lie and um, at one point we like knocked over a cup and she was drinking root beer and so like we were freaking out because it like spilled on the laptop right. And then we had to tell the dude like we needed to step away or we had to clean up something, but we called it like oh, I spilled my beer. Because we were trying to act older and we couldn't say like oh, I spilled my root beer. It would just sound so childish. But man, that was such fun. Times of just. Those were the early days of trolling, where we would just roll into a chat room, try to be posing as adults and you either instigate a fight in the chat room or you're just watching with your popcorn. I mean, my gosh, it was just, like I said, the wild west of the internet back then. And um, so yeah, that was how everything from thinking about putting something into chat, gpt to help me with, led me all the way down to the good old days of AOL and memories.
Speaker 1:So I just wanted to share that a look into how the hyperfixation happens. It can take one little thing and then your brain spirals outwards. So short episode today. That's fine too, because again, these are just my hyper fixations in the moment for the week, or, however I feel, keep it nice and bite sized today. Reminder again, webinar, free webinar is happening on January 20th at 2 pm Central. It is who Are you Really Discovering and Embracing your Identity? I wrapped up my notes today. It is going to be awesome. A lot of good content. Yes, I am hyping myself up to sound confident and feel confident and be confident. This is my first ever webinar that I'm doing with a whole slide deck, zoom, all the things. So, um, it's, it's just going to be great. I hope you can attend link in the show notes, totally free to attend again. And, um, yeah, hope you are continuing to stay warm and to stay safe and remember that you are stronger than you feel and that you are loved. See you next time.